Old County Maps Smith County Texas Tx Landowner Map 1855 Matte Art Paper

We have over 1.6 million searchable images in our collection.
Please select a search type

Map & Directory Keyword Search

Keyword search queries our database for map names, atlas names, publishers, dates, and locations that match your keywords. Results are divided into U.s.a. (Maps, Atlases, Bird's Eye Views, Illustrations & Directories) and Globe (Maps, Atlases & Special Collection) categories.

Looking for an accost or place such as a park, academy or building?
Use our Address or Place Search

Search Hint: For even more results when searching for U.Due south. towns & cities, attempt typing in the name of the associated county.
Avant-garde Search
Advanced search is similar to keyword search, but keywords tin can exist entered separately using multiple search fields with the options "contains" and "doesn't contain", as well every bit "exact match". The choice to specifiy a category to search within is also bachelor. To add some other search field, click Add Search Field. Selectable AND/OR operators are used between fields.
Category Guide
U.S. Collection
Our core collection includes cadastral maps (those showing land and holding owners), ranging from cities and towns to county plates. Included in many atlases are original histories, illustrations, and even historical photographs of residents.

World Collection
A collection of maps covering the earth through fourth dimension. This collection is divided up by modern geographic boundries, therefore many antiquarian maps may bridge various classifications.

Special Collection
An eclectic mix of maps, including decorative plates, portraits, and lithographs, equally well as nautical and topographical maps.

Address or Place Search

Address search queries our database of geocoded United States maps and returns maps containing your address. If no exact lucifer is found, results for the city or boondocks entered are displayed.

GPS Mapfinder

GPS search queries our database of geocoded United States maps (click here to see a list by state) past latitude and longitude coordinates, in degrees. A list of maps containing the coordinates are returned.

Enter the coordinates you wish to search, or click anywhere on the map to the right to populate the fields below with the coordinates of that point.

Location Search

Location search queries our database for cities, towns, townships, counties and geographic features in a item state.

Item Number Search

Find a map by Celebrated Map Works particular number:

Publisher Search

Search by Publisher Name:

Directories Search

Directories search queries our database for any keyword that appears on our directory pages.

*This feature is currently free, merely requires some credit in your account.

Landowners Proper name Search

Points of Interest Search

About the Points of Involvement Search

Sometimes when trying to detect the perfect map y'all don't know the exact place name or address of the area you lot are researching. In those situations, instead of browsing the collection, try typing in the name of a betoken of interest near that expanse. For instance, if you knew your grandmother grew up effectually the corner from a certain church. Type the name of that church into the Points of Interest Search to see the relevant maps that cover that geographic area.

How do I get started?

Choose a country from the driblet downward.
Then enter the proper noun of any bespeak of interest you lot are looking for.
Some of the more than popular searches are for the names of schools, cemeteries, churches, hospitals, military places, streams, summits, airports, harbors, parks, post offices, reservoirs, trails, and valleys.
Though less popular, other valid categories from the database include the names of: archs, arroyos, bars, basins, bays, beachs, benchs, bends, bridges, canals, capes, census, channels, cliffs, craters, crossings, dams, falls, flats, forests, gaps, geysers, glaciers, guts, islands, isthmus, lavas, levees, mines, oilfields, pillars, plains, ranges, rapids, reserves, ridges, seas, slopes, springs, swamps, towers, tunnels, unknown, wells, and woods.
Used in conjunction with the Celebrated Globe™, Geographic Browse, and Address Lookup, this new tool volition help you explore the collection from a unlike angle.

Historic Photos Search

Choose a state from the drop down.

Then in the search box, enter the proper noun of a city or town. Alternative searches could including searching for a family name, the building name or even a full general description of how the building was used - i.e. city hall, church, workshop, hospital, mail, ect.
Search results will announced with clickable thumbnails on the pages that follow.

Used in conjunction with the Celebrated Earth™, Geographic Browse, Address Lookup, and Points of Interest Search, this new tool volition help you explore the drove from a different angle.

Map Landowners Search

Enter a last name in the search box and select a state from the dropdown bill of fare.

Only commencement 500 results will exist displayed.

Searching with this service volition return pocket-sized scale maps containing your address or coordinates. These map results are cropped to show the area around your location in detail, and are available for purchase as prints or delivery online in PDF format. Click here to download a sample file.

To encounter a consummate list of maps for an accost, including those not bachelor in this search, please use our standard Address Search.


Source: http://www.historicmapworks.com/Search/search.php

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