Consumer Review Home Depot Solar Panel Inverter Kit

Off-grid solar means meeting all your free energy needs from the ability of the sunday — with no help from the electrical grid. To make this possible, y'all demand to install a solar ability organisation paired with an energy storage system, like a solar battery, at the site of ability consumption (your dwelling).

Installing an off-grid solar system was in one case a fringe concept due to its large space requirements and prohibitive costs. But advances in solar tech over the last decade take made solar equipment more efficient and less expensive, helping to push them into the mainstream. It's now a fairly common sight to see RVs and country cabins powered entirely by off-filigree solar systems.

If you're thinking of ownership an off-grid solar system for yourself, yous've come to the correct place. In this web log, nosotros'll tell yous what you demand to know about off-grid solar systems before buying ane. We'll help you figure out if an off-filigree solar system is correct for you lot, and tell yous how to buy the correct organization for your needs.

Key takeaways

  • An off-grid solar organisation uses solar panels, battery storage, and centrolineal equipment to power a location independent of the electricity grid. It has many uses; information technology tin can ability campsites, RVs, boats, remote cabins, and even family homes.
  • Before buying an off-grid system you lot'll need to figure out what system size you want. Y'all can effigy this out with ane of two methods: based on your current electricity consumption or by conducting a thorough load evaluation.
  • An off-filigree solar kit that can run a home volition cost anywhere fro thou $12,000 to $50,000; and that doesn't cistron in installation, permitting, and fees.
  • Pros of off-grid solar: Freedom from utilities, positive ecology touch, a more free energy-conscious lifestyle, and the ability to produce power pretty much anywhere in the world.
  • Cons : It's illegal in some jurisdictions, very high upfront costs, time-consuming to install and monitor, doesn't qualify for the SGIP rebate in CA, and it requires major lifestyle sacrifices.
  • If you lot're looking for a more affordable way to go solar, consider a filigree-tied solar arrangement instead.

On this folio

    What is an off-grid solar system?

    While many people think only of solar panels when they hear "off-grid solar", the reality is that you need to add many other components to go a performance off-grid PV system.

    A complete off-grid solar system has all the necessary equipment to generate, store, and supply solar energy onsite. As off-grid solar systems operate without a connection to any external power source, they are also referred to equally "standalone solar power systems".

    Unlike other types of solar setups, such equally the more common grid-tied solar system, off-grid solar systems rely on batteries to provide power when the sun isn't available.

    Batteries, however, are costly — much more so than the solar panels they are paired with. The demand for ample battery storage in off-filigree solar systems makes them much more expensive than grid-tied solar systems.

    What are the different uses of off-grid solar ability?

    Ane of the biggest advantages of solar as an free energy source is its scalability and modularity, which is the degree to which a organisation'south components may be separated and recombined for flexibility and variety in utilise.

    It works at all levels, from small devices such as solar phone chargers, all the manner up to a system that can ability a factory.

    Here are some of the most common applications of off-grid solar:

    • Providing a accuse to a portable phone or tablet charger
    • Powering the appliances in an RV
    • Generating electricity for small cabins
    • Powering minor energy-efficient homes

    It's worth noting where off-grid solar systems do Non make sense: where there is like shooting fish in a barrel access to the utility ability. This covers situations where one is looking to ability a home in a city, suburb, or boondocks.

    If that's you, you tin can salve much more than by opting for a grid-tied or hybrid solar panel organisation — or fifty-fifty but sticking solely to filigree power — depending on the economics of solar in your area.

    What equipment does an off-grid solar system require?

    Hither's a list of all the equipment required for a operation off-grid solar arrangement:

    • Solar panels
    • Solar accuse controller
    • Solar inverter(s)
    • Solar battery
    • Mounting and racking system
    • Wiring
    • Junction boxes

    Electricity from the solar array flows to the charge controller - from there it is either sent to the battery for storage, or to the DC-AC converter (aka inverter) to supply power to the dwelling house.

    For more data nearly each of these components, check out this blog on solar panel equipment.

    Picket this video to hear about what information technology's similar to live off-grid from solar adept Will White, who has kickoff-paw feel.

    How to size an off-grid solar system

    Deciding on the size of the system you lot demand is an early and absolutely crucial step when it comes to installing an off-grid solar system.

    It volition affect the kind of equipment you demand, how much piece of work the installation volition involve, and, of course, the total price of the projection. Solar setup sizes are based on the amount of power the arrangement needs to provide.

    In that location are two unlike ways to figure out the number you lot need, and they are based on:

    1. Your current usage
    2. Load evaluation

    Basing solar setup size on usage

    You tin use this option if your aim is to maintain your current lifestyle every bit yous switch from filigree-tied to off-filigree solar. To exercise this, you tin can simply refer to your monthly ability bills to determine your electricity usage in kilowatt-hours.

    You tin then size an off-grid system of that size, although you'd want to go a bit bigger — say 10% more — to allow for solar inefficiencies.

    Basing solar setup size on load evaluation

    The second option is to perform a consummate load evaluation to make up one's mind how much power y'all'll need.

    i. Calculate total electricity usage needs

    Begin by listing out all the appliances you plan to use, and how many hours you'll be using each of them. This allows you to calculate the power consumption of each appliance, besides as your total ability consumption over a day.

    Knowing how many kWh in a solar day you lot'll utilise will let you lot to size your solar panel array, also the solar bombardment storage.

    2. Calculate instantaneous load requirements

    You'll also accept to calculate how many appliances y'all might run simultaneously. This volition aid y'all calculate instantaneous wattage requirements, which you need to know in gild to size the inverter properly (the inverter runs the AC loads).

    3. Decide on bombardment storage capacity

    Next, y'all'll need to decide how much free energy storage you want. Do you lot want to cover usage for just one day, or do you desire to have extra backup capacity?

    When information technology comes to solar bombardment backup, the rule generally is you'd desire enough storage to cover at least 2-3 days of usage during the highest usage time of yr.

    4. Design a organisation effectually your number from Steps 1-3

    Figuring out the sizes of these three crucial components — the solar panels, inverter, and battery storage — is unremarkably plenty data for solar equipment vendors to customize a complete off-grid kit for you.

    How much does an off-grid solar arrangement toll?

    The prices of off-filigree systems range from most $50 (for a phone or tablet charger) to tens of thousands of dollars. That's because off-grid solar has such a huge diversity of applications.

    If we talk specifically virtually off-grid solar kits that can power an entire home, then prices range from $12,000 to $l,000.

    You can get an thought of pricing from the table below; it shows pop off-grid kits for different finish-use requirements:

    Please note that the costs mentioned are only for the off-grid solar panel kits, i.e. just the equipment. If you employ a professional solar company for installation, at that place will be boosted labor charges; whereas with a DIY, there may be some extra costs for permitting and tool requirements.

    Learn more than: DIY solar: Pros, cons, and 6-stride installation guide

    The bear on of battery type on cost

    Your choice of bombardment applied science volition have a big impact on the cost of your off-grid solar arrangement.

    Newer lithium batteries offer avant-garde functionality and come up in a pocket-size, sleep course gene. They are, however, very expensive and will account for a large portion of the costs if you utilize them.

    By dissimilarity, AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) atomic number 82-acid batteries are bulky and have a shorter lifespan - but they are much cheaper. Their low price makes them a popular choice for off-grid solar systems.

    All-time places to buy off-grid solar organization kits

    The buying procedure for off-grid systems volition vary based on the size of the organization you want.

    Best place to find turnkey solar installers

    If you're looking for a company to handle the complete installation process for an off-filigree solar organisation - from system design and procurement to installation and permitting and inspection - and so check out the SolarReviews solar companies database.

    Information technology'll show you the best local solar companies in your area based on consumer reviews.

    All-time place to buy large and medium off-grid solar system kits

    If you're a DIY'er looking to ability an entire structure - a shed, cabin, house, or even a farm or ranch - and then you'll want to buy from a reliable solar equipment distributor. Northern Arizona Wind & Sun and the altE Store both take dandy kits that come with plans and support

    All-time for minor and portable off-grid solar systems

    For people looking for portable solar ability for when they're camping or using RVs, there are many options, including Home Depot, Amazon, All-time Buy, etc. Brands that have good reputations are Grape Solar and Renogy; both are American companies.

    However, there are now many brands in the market, many with much lower prices; simply make sure to check reviews and warranty details before making a purchase.

    The advantages of off-grid solar

    Over 300,000 homes are believed to be using off-filigree power sources for their energy needs. Here are a few reasons why some Americans choose to live off the grid:

    i. Freedom from the grid

    This is the primary reason why people in coma-prone regions are interested in off-grid solar. When connected to the grid, you are dependent on an external supplier — the utility visitor — for all your power.

    When the grid shuts off, and so does your ability supply. This dependence doesn't seem to be a problem until you are hitting with blackouts and power failures, every bit those who suffered through the California blackouts of 2019 tin can adjure.

    2. It's good for the surround

    Going off-grid reduces carbon emissions. Since well-nigh of the electricity supplied through the grid comes from burning fossil fuels, producing your own ability through renewable resources (solar, wind, hydro) drastically reduces your carbon footprint.

    3. Encourages a more than energy-witting lifestyle

    When you're connected to the filigree, it'south easy to be unaware of your power consumption habits — you lot consume electricity, pay the beak when it comes, and that's that. It disconnects you from where the electricity is coming from and where it's existence used.

    Your mental attitude when information technology comes to power changes completely when you go off-grid. To ensure you don't run out of electricity, you lot will have to closely follow your energy generation and also re-evaluate and rationalize your energy consumption.

    iv. Sometimes the only feasible pick

    When yous're seeking to ability a building in a really remote location - say a hunting cabin out in the woods - in that location'due south a good chance in that location's no grid to connect to at all.

    If you contact the utility for a connexion, they will probably tell you that you are out of their coverage area. Alternatively, they could offering to lay the wire to connect you lot to the filigree — but merely at an astronomical price.

    That means that you'll have to produce your own power. You could use a backup generator, but fuel for information technology is expensive, while renewable energy similar hydropower and wind aren't available in nearly places. This leaves solar as the but applied option for off-filigree power.

    A charming A-frame cabin with rooftop solar panels, surrounded by pine trees.

    A beautiful off-grid A-frame motel in the Catskill Mountains. Epitome source: Chris Daniele via OffGridWorld

    The disadvantages of off-grid solar

    Despite some great benefits, there are several valid reasons why the vast bulk of United states households cull to remain connected to the filigree when they install solar on their homes.

    Some primal issues with going off the filigree include:

    i. Off-grid might actually be illegal where y'all live

    While installing solar panels and generating your own electricity is gaining traction across the United states of america, some counties have made information technology illegal to completely unplug from the grid. Such legal restrictions related to going off-grid are generally more common in metropolitan areas than in more rural areas.

    ii. Off-grid solar systems are expensive

    A solar console setup that supplies all the energy needs of a dwelling house tends to exist very expensive.

    Compared to a grid-connected solar organisation, an off-grid solar system requires more than panels, an inverter with a higher voltage capacity, and a large amount of solar battery storage.

    And since there's no grid to fall back on, y'all will want to purchase a gas or diesel-powered fill-in generator, and these are very expensive to run. This also adds greater urgency when repairing faults in your off-grid system because generators cannot be relied upon for besides long.

    3. Off-grid solar is time-consuming

    Making the commitment to produce plenty power to come across all of your household's needs is an extremely challenging task.

    A fairly advanced understanding of how electricity works is required. Because generating ability is an exact science, you will have to spend time calculating the precise amount of ability that needs to be generated, based on your free energy usage patterns.

    Time will need to be spent ensuring you are keeping ability waste at a minimum. And because power generation can exist unpredictable, yous will have to constantly monitor your power supply.

    You also must learn about the equipment used to generate power and be capable of fixing any and all faults.

    4. No SGIP rebate for off-grid solar in California

    California California's Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) is one of the largest battery storage incentives in the land. Eighty pct of the incentive's budget is allocated for battery storage.

    People can save thousands of dollars on batteries with the SGIP rebate, specially if they live in burn hazard districts. But the catch is that SGIP is only available for grid-tied solar systems with bombardment fill-in — and not for pure off-grid solar systems.

    5. There are better alternatives for backup power

    The biggest reason why going off-filigree may not be for you lot is because at that place just is a better alternative.

    The easiest and almost efficient way to protect yourself from blackouts, while saving coin on your ability bills and helping the environment, is by installing a grid-tied solar organization with battery fill-in. Some other name for this type of setup is a hybrid solar organization.

    These 'hybrid' systems, which apply bombardment solutions such every bit the Tesla Powerwall, are cheaper than off-grid systems and also authorize for incentives such equally the SGIP rebate.

    6. Off-grid solar entails major lifestyle sacrifices

    Talk to anyone with an off-filigree solar organisation, and they volition tell yous the same thing: relying on off-grid power requires you to completely reevaluate your relationship with energy.

    The high price of off-grid solar means homeowners are forced to install relatively small systems. The amount of power available is often farther limited by choppy weather: a cloudy twenty-four hour period may result in power output reductions of 50% or more.

    Running out of power leaves yous in a bind. You will either accept to wait for the sun to come out again or generate power using a fill-in diesel generator (if you have 1). The outset pick is very inconvenient, while the 2d is very costly.

    These constraints can affect every aspect of your life. Many off-grid folks, for instance, say the need to conserve power ways they have to economize on water as water pumps eat a lot of power; this ways brusk showers and less frequent flushing. Air conditioning, an even bigger ability guzzler, tin can only exist used for limited periods, if at all.

    A woman eats in a dark kitchen next to a lit candle.

    Without conscientious management of your off-grid energy usage, you could find yourself running out of ability when yous need it. Image source: AP

    Is an off-filigree solar power setup right for you?

    Off-filigree solar is the nearly convenient energy source when it is difficult (or impossible) to access the grid. It's hard to imagine, say, a camping enthusiast forgoing solar in favor of a generator that is heavy, noisy, and requires plush fuel.

    It is as well usually the best option for those committed to a depression carbon footprint, sustainability-minded lifestyle. Other renewable energy sources, such as air current and hydropower, aren't merely more expensive, but they also require access to a reliable wind and water supply.

    On the other hand, if you are a typical homeowner living in or near a city or town, then off-grid is nigh certainly not for y'all.

    This is because off-grid solar systems for homes are expensive and thus rarely yield any savings over utility ability. Furthermore, the high toll of off-grid solar means homeowners are forced to install relatively small systems; the express power they provide imposes major lifestyle sacrifices on the home's residents.

    If it'southward fiscal savings you're interested in, then expect at filigree-tied solar systems instead. They are the cheapest way to go solar, and in many states, they can result in savings of $100,000 or higher. And having a connection to the grid means that you'll have consistent access to all the power yous need.

    You lot can larn more than about how grid-tied solar systems work here.

    If, however, getting a battery backup similar the Tesla Powerwall is a priority for you, then consider hybrid solar systems. Hybrid solar systems are grid-tied systems that likewise have batteries. While hybrid systems are more than expensive than uncomplicated grid-tied systems — and thus offer lower savings — they are still far cheaper than an off-filigree setup.

    You lot tin check the costs and savings of a grid-tied solar console system by entering your address into the calculator below.


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